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Ankle arthroscopy
Ankle arthroscopy (Belarus, Minsk)

Ankle arthroscopy

The most common indication for ankle arthroscopy is chronic ankle pain caused by impingement syndrome, chronic inflammation, syndromes of unclear etiology, dissecting osteochondritis, traumatic cartilage lesions, arthrofibrosis, etc.

Some types of intraarticular fractures can also be treated using arthroscopy through “punctures” to minimize operative trauma for improving the recovery of articular surfaces.

The operation takes place under local or general anesthesia. The rehabilitation period usually takes several days.

Indications for ankle arthroscopy

Impingement syndrome (the form of infringement of soft tissues or bone structure located between the articular surfaces), which and may also occur due to the adhesions, osteochondral damage to the talus, osteophytes, etc., and is most often accompanied by pain, as well as ROM limitation.

Chronic inflammation of the ankle synovial membrane, caused by various diseases with excessive production of synovial fluid, such as pigmented villous-nodular synovitis, rheumatoid diseases, and degenerative changes in cartilage. Arthroscopy is used to confirm the diagnosis, as well as for the complete or partial removal of the synovial membrane of the joint.

Pain syndromes of unclear etiology, which may be caused by degenerative changes (osteoarthritis), some forms of synovitis, capsule fibrosis or intraarticular adhesions. Due to arthroscopy, an accurate diagnosis is made.

Dissecting osteochondritis, with persistent pain and joint swelling with increased physical exertion. Arthroscopy allows to restore the integrity of the cartilage cover, as well as to remove loose bodies from the joint cavity.

When cartilage is damaged, arthroscopy allows determining the nature and extent of damage, as well as the possibility of its fixation. With the help of arthroscopy, surgical treatment of the cartilage lesion (debridement), stimulation of recovery processes in the focus of ??damage (abrasive chondroplasty) and other manipulations are carried out.

Arthrofibrosis (adhesions, scars in the ankle joint) due to traumas, infection of the joint or long-term immobilization, open surgery. With arthroscopy it is possible to remove scar tissue and restore joint mobility.

Arthroscopy is also used to treat intra-articular fractures.

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